Sunday, May 6, 2012

8 is Great!

My Baby Boy just recently turned 8.  This birthday was particularly hard for me to swallow.  In our church children get Baptized at the age of 8, this is considered the age of "accountability'.  This generated a whole lot of thinking in me, like soul searching type of thinking.  I feel like we are n the "big leagues" now, like now I really need to step up my game and practice what I preach, not to say that I was completely do as I say, not as I do but I would certainly agree that I could do better.  I think as parents we always feel that we could do better.

Yesterday Baby Boy was Baptized and Confirmed a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.  It feels so wonderful to say that.  His Great Grandfather baptized him, this too was very special to me.  The service played out perfectly.  My brother was the pianist, my mother gave the opening prayer, my grandmother gave a talk on Baptism, Sister Bean ( a Missionary for our church) gave the talk on the Holy Ghost and Sister Longhurst (another Missionary for our church) gave the closing prayer.  We sang Teach Me to Walk in the Light and Families Can be Together Forever.  It was Perfect!

After we all came to the house and were joined by our neighbors for an afternoon-turned-evening of family fun!  Cafe Rio style dinner was served, cupcakes we had and presents were opened.  The night was wrapped up with a round of good ole' Texas Hold 'em & I won the pot - 100% beginner's luck!  It was Great!


It's the Little Things

I like nice people.  It's sad that when people are nice, kind, selfless and so on that this comes as a pleasant surprise.  On Friday my Chicken Nugget woke up with a nasty cough that quickly turned into a watery eyes, stuffy nose cold.  Perfect excuse to stay inside and cuddle - except that I had a million and one errands to run, which quickly got cut to one errand - grocery shopping.  I figured i'd start off with that  nights dinner and work my way through my list just in case Chicken Nugget needed to get home.  Thankfully we made it through the list and in line where we found a school dad, yes dad not mom.  This guy is pretty awesome!  We use to help out in our kids' Kindergarten class together, he does Mr. Mom perfectly cooks, cleans, unclogs the sink, and helps his daughter in her craft room!  Anyhow back the grocery store line.......he offered to unload my groceries!  I thought this was fantastic, I was more than able, yet he saw that Nugget was sick (I was holding her and she was half asleep) he had his own groceries and little boy to take care of yet he was willing to help me.  It's the little things!  I thanked him and told him I appreciated the offer but that i could do it.  Well the checker ended up running around and helping me anyway.  That little gesture made my day, I felt all Pay-it-forward ish.  And so i did, I let the oblivious driver cut me off without honking - I know, I know just call me mother Theresa....wait no I'd prefer Princess Di.

I originally started this post a few months ago, about 2 I think??  Anyhow shortly after the grocery store incident the kids and I were on our way to meet grandma to go to the snow.  How awesome that it was Spring Break and we were headed to the snow.....only in Cali can you go to the snow and the beach for Spring Break.  Okay back on track, I stopped at Starbucks and the person in front of me PAID for my drink, and it gets better I decided to splurge and order a Venti instead of my usual Grande!!!!  I in turn paid for the car behind, and hopefully she continued to trend.  That gesture, the giving and receiving was wonderful and a great teaching opportunity for my Baby Boy. 

xoxo pay it forward