it's no secret that our relationship has been less then perfect or even desirable, up to this point. But somehow (lots of tears, fights, counseling and more tears) we have made it to this point. the point where I can say that I am oddly thankful for all that we have been through. The point where, when asked, was it worth it? I can without a doubt say YES! It's been quite a rocky road, but i know now how much i am loved and how much i truly am in love with my husband. Neither on of us are perfect and we will always have something to work on, but I'm so excited and look forward to having him by my side to work together.
I am blessed. It occurred to me that today, right now, i am living the life that i have always wanted, and it is all because of my husband. I have a huge house over my head, a truck - that i picked out, I'm some what a stay at home mom to our amazing son and in two months a beautiful daughter. Life is good.
so with all of that said thank you Mike. thank you for all that we have and thank you for loving me, and making me feel loved.
Hi! It's time to start blogging again! You have two ADORABLE kids, you have plenty to blog I love you. Now start to blog!